How to Make your Job Application Stand Out from the Crowd!

Securing a new role in the IT industry isn't as easy as it used to be. If you have niche skills that are in demand, you can probably name your price, but applicants for roles such as helpdesk, IT Support and Network administration can sometimes struggle. There's stiff competition in terms of the volume of applicants and comparable skills sets. So when it comes to IT Recruitment, what action can you take to help your application stand out? 


As a leading London IT Recruitment agency at HW Select, we've seen technology rolling in and out of fashion and jobs trending up and down. Given our industry experience and day to day interactions with candidates and clients, we are uniquely placed to offer an insight into what employers and IT Recruitment Agencies are looking for.


It all starts with your resume. Now we're not talking about how you present the information. That is, of course, important, and the presentation must be neat, clear and error-free but what matters most is content. If your resume contains what the employer or agency is looking for, then you've got your foot in the door. Here are 6 top tips to ensure your resume content is a cut above the competition when it comes to London IT Recruitment.


1 - A Proven Track Record

Experience is everything. Companies are naturally risk-averse, so they look for evidence that you possess the skills they want. The easiest way to demonstrate this is with relevant work experience, so tweak your resume with relevant projects, internships and even home projects.


2 - Voluntary Work

If you are between jobs, volunteering is an excellent way to demonstrate a proactive nature and gain additional experience. Ideally, volunteer in a role related to your target employment area.


3 - Love of Learning

You should never stop learning. If you have spare time, try dabbling in emerging technology or learning a new language. Demonstrate to a future employer that you are self-motivated, curious and capable. Professional membership and accreditation are also desirable, but do your research and choose certifications that are well recognised.


4 - Professional Networking

Building a professional network is essential in today's world. Often it's who you know, no what you know. Build your contacts on LinkedIn, join industry forums and contribute in areas that interest you.


5 - Always Adjust Your Resume

Always tailor your resume to the particular job you are applying for. It might involve a change of emphasis on duties to better align with the job description or include different project work or technologies. This is particularly important when dealing with an IT Recruitment Agencies. Simply by adjusting your resume for the advertised role, they'll see you consider each position and are not simply spamming them with your resume.


6 - Focus on Leadership

The ability to lead and guide others is a valuable skill to have at any point in your career. Highlight team leading responsibilities in your personal and professional life and step outside your comfort zone to gain more.


Take it from an industry-leading IT Recruitment Agency London. By improving your resume's quality and content, you'll stand out as a higher calibre candidate and are more likely to pass the initial screening process.


At HW Select, we specialise in IT Recruitment across all industry sectors. Contact us today to find out more about our current employment opportunities.




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