6 Tips for Remote Working in IT

Covid and extended lockdowns have forced many companies to make remote working standard practice. This change is likely to stay for the foreseeable future as companies realise it can increase productivity and reduce costs.


However, while remote working has a long list of benefits for employers, it can pose significant challenges for the individual. As an employee, what can you do to make working remotely an effective and enjoyable employment option?


Here are some tips to help you get set up and put you on the pathway to success.


1. Ensure You Can Access Systems Remotely

A good internet connection is vital when it comes to working remotely. You must have a stable connection with good bandwidth. If your current internet package is insufficient, either upgrade it or switch suppliers. You should be able to claim at least part of your cost on tax or expenses, but even if that is not the case, don't compromise on speed. A slow connection will reduce your productivity and increase your frustration. It's also worth looking at your mobile data plan to give you greater flexibility around your work location.


2. Develop Documentation for Processes

Working remotely is new to many organisations and requires a change in processes and procedures. This is particularly true for those working in IT. If you have to create new processes to complete your work, you must document those processes for others in the organisation and your future reference.


3. Invest In A Task Management Tool

Working remotely requires discipline and structure. Whether you are working from home, an Internet cafe, or a park, you still need to get through all the assigned work. A great way to maintain focus and stay on top of tasks is it use a tool such as Trello. It allows you to manage and track your tasks as well as share tasks with others in your team.


4. Use Automation

Self-management is the key to successfully working remotely and still maintaining a social life. It is very easy to succumb to work creep. Tasks mount up, and you continue to work on them beyond your usual office work hours. One way to cut down on work time is to automate recurring tasks. Taking the time to set up simple automation can free you up to focus on the complex and interesting tasks instead.


5. Record Your Work

One of the biggest hurdles to overcome when working remotely is trust. An employer wants to know that you are doing the assigned work and spending the appropriate number of hours doing it.


When you work in an office environment, the fact you are physically there validates your efforts. But when you are not visible, your efforts are validated differently.


Keeping a log of your work can show the time and effort you are investing. Consequently, it will also help to build trust with your employer. An additional benefit of tracking your work is discovering where you are wasting time and making changes to improve your productivity.


6. Collaboration and Interaction

Working remotely doesn't mean working in isolation. Often it takes teamwork and collaboration to come up with the best IT solutions. Reach out and communicate with other team members through MS Teams or Zoom. There are also apps such as Slack, Chanty, and Twist that allow you to communicate more effectively than using messenger or email alone.





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